Did you know that researchers have estimated 40% of people worldwide describe their skin as being sensitive? That is a lot of sensitive skin! Even if you would not describe your own skin as being sensitive, it is still necessary to consider the various ingredients in your skin products.
Regardless of whether sensitive skin is due to environment, genetics, or a skin condition, choosing the right soap is important to avoid further irritation. But with so many soaps and cleansers on the market, which is right for your skin type
Why are Plant-Based Soaps Better?
There are many reasons why you should consider buying all-natural plant-based soap from a handmade soap company. Handmade soap companies make natural bar soap that is free from harmful ingredients or chemicals.
The natural ingredients will keep the skin nourishment intact and benefit your skin immensely. Whether you have dry skin or sensitive skin, using natural soaps is always better than going for chemical soaps. The ingredients used to make natural soaps have elements that prevent skin harshness and antioxidants as well.
Benefits of Plant-Based Soap:
- Plant-Based Soaps are Made with Natural Ingredients - Plant-based soaps are made with natural ingredients that you can actually pronounce!
- Plant-Based Soaps Have Only What You Need - Our soap bars contain only the ingredients that they need—no extra preservatives that liquid body washes or commercial bar "soaps" require to increase their shelf life to years, and no foam boosters to make them lather.
- Plant-Based Soap Helps Maintain Healthy Skin - The body’s largest organ, our skin, is incredibly porous and absorbent. How we treat our skin can have a major impact on our overall health as well as the look and feel of our skin. If you struggle to find a soap that does not irritate your skin, switching to the daily use of a simple natural soap is an easy place to start. Your skin can tell the difference.
- Natural Soap is Economical - Some consumers are put off by the cost of handmade soap. You probably look at a bar of natural soap and wonder why it costs more. I mean, soap is soap, right? Both bars clean your skin, right? Commercial soap companies do not want extra oils or glycerin in their soaps because they decrease shelf-life. Without these extra oils to moisturize your skin, you must reach for that bottle of lotion! So, although a bar of commercial soap may cost less, what happens to the cost once you add in the price of all of that cream and lotion (which is also filled with chemicals) that you need to slather all over your dry, itchy skin?
If you have dry, sensitive skin, the wrong type of soap can do more harm than good. Yes, it’ll cleanse your skin. But if the soap is too harsh, it can also rob your skin of natural moisture, causing further irritation. Here are a few things to consider when choosing the right soap for your sensitive skin.
Avoid Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)
Some soaps contain the ingredient sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). This is a surfactant — a compound in many cleansing detergents that degreases and washes dirt away.
It’s an effective cleanser, and some people can use it on their body and face with no adverse side effects. But since surfactants can have a drying effect on the skin, soaps containing SLS can cause further drying in people with already dry skin.
Look for Plant Oils
Natural soaps, such as those made from organic vegetable oils, are recommended. Any natural soap containing vegetable oils, cocoa butter, olive oil, aloe vera, jojoba, and avocado are perfect for dry skin.
Look for Glycerin
If you can’t find a natural soap, look for products that have glycerin which will provide the skin with enough moisture, he adds.
Avoid Added Fragrances and Alcohol
Dermatologists agree that you should avoid soaps containing sulfates. Fragrances, ethyl, and alcohol are ingredients to also avoid since these can dry the skin and cause irritation, too.
Look for Lanolin or Hyaluronic Acid
Lanolin — an oil secreted from the sebaceous glands of sheep — has moisturizing and conditioning properties for the hair and skin, whereas hyaluronic acid is a key molecule involved in skin moisture.
Avoid Synthetic Dyes
Not only should you look for ingredients that hydrate the skin, it’s also important to avoid synthetic colors. Companies that compromise on the quality and chemical composition of their soap in order to achieve a certain color aesthetic are not putting their customer’s skin first.
Synthetic colors are chemically achieved and typically have an adverse effect on skin, the likes of which may exacerbate dry skin problems rather than relieve them.
When shopping for a soap, it also helps to smell it before buying it. It’s not uncommon for soaps and body washes to have added fragrances. This appeals to the senses — but it can mess with the skin.
Soap that is overly perfumed or fragrant is almost always loaded with synthetic scents and chemicals to give off a strong smell and reel in consumers. Safe soaps that soothe dry skin will almost always not carry a powerful fragrance — so make sure to smell the soap before applying to your skin, so that it doesn’t make your dry skin worse.
Sensitive Skin Cleaners Can Improve Your Skin
People with sensitive skin are accustomed to approaching skincare with trepidation. After all, the wrong product can trigger a painful reaction that lasts for days.
If you have sensitive skin, you still need to cleanse daily, but you must also choose a cleanser that's unlikely to irritate your delicate skin. Here's how to balance your skin's need for gentle cleansing with its reactivity.
Gently cleansing your sensitive skin is about more than just the products you choose. How you cleanse also matters. Try these tips for a clean, reaction-free complexion:
- Don't use too many products at once: You'll irritate your complexion and make it difficult to assess which product is causing reactions.
- Don't rub or scrub: Use light strokes to apply products, splash with tepid water to rinse, and pat dry.
- Don't wash too often: Frequent cleansing dries and irritates skin.
- Use clean cloths every time you wash: Reusing cloth products can introduce bacteria into your sensitive skin.
- Protect your skin from the sun: Pick a sunscreen specifically formulated for sensitive skin.
- Don't touch your face: Sensitive skin is highly reactive to chemicals such as trace amounts of household cleaners. Your hands may also be home to bacteria that further irritates your skin.
If you develop swelling as part of a skin reaction, or if you have a fever or other symptoms of an illness, talk to your doctor immediately. A virus, severe allergic reaction, or other health issue could be inflaming your skin.